Saturday, February 27, 2010

I wanna be an artist...just like you.

Today, I had an awesome surprise. Today was Market day at McMinnville, which Sarah and I have our works of art — her jewelry and my paintings. I've been painting at my space for the past two weeks for fun and to get some creativity flowing. This day a little girl, named Elizabeth, with her mother and brother & sister visited.

Her mother tells me that Elizabeth decided she will be an artist "when she grows up."
Elizabeth said, "I wanna be an artist..., just like you!"

That was the most fantastic moment and truly made my day — my week! She was probably 4 or 5 years old and for her to proclaim her dream of being an artist is amazing. Moments like today keep me painting and living my artist dream. We had a great conversation about having fun while painting and to paint/draw whenever she possibly can. If you hear of an artist named Elizabeth from McMinnville, remember you read about her here first.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Humming Birds in Flight

Continuing with the Market series, I finished 2 more paintings of humming birds. The paintings are entitled "Snapshot, Golden Moment" and "Rendezvous."

These paintings are a reminder for me to be in the moment and enjoying the present. We have many humming birds flying through our home during the spring, summer and fall. I love hearing them as they buzz through drinking from our feeders.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Painting for the Saturday Market

McMinnville has a new market in town — The Saturday Market. Shannon Thorson has coordinated the ongoing event for the last 3 months. It features organic produce, entertainment, visual & literary art, wine, boutique goods & fine food and provisions. There are many vendors coming from various parts of the Willamette Valley, Salem and other surrounding counties. It's a fantastic mix of personalities and budding entrepreneurs selling their goods.

I have been participating since December and enjoy meeting, talking and hobnobbing with local citizens of McMinnville. I have been showcasing art from my Project 100, my I'Ching series and new pieces that I create weekly. It's been a great opportunity to have a weekly venue to showcase new work during the winter.

Here's my current new piece entitled, "Star-Gazer."

And more pictures from the Market.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Emerge Oregon

So last Friday, I participated with Emerge Oregon Art Series — Originally this was a First Friday show at the Coffee House Cafe in Salem, Oregon. Now they are expanding to 1st and 3rd Friday of each month. They showcase emerging artists and for $5 each participating artist can display up to 3 art pieces with no commission taken from sales. Jonathan Boys and Tim Wiener founded this great event and do so to provide a consistent place for emerging artists to showcase their artwork. The shows have averaged over 300 for their once-monthly-single-night event.

For this show, I showcased 3 new pieces inspired by Project 100's day 39 "Atop The Universe." Here is Namaste, Warrior and Way Show-er.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Project 100 in local paper

I and Project 100 had an incredible breakthrough this week. The McMinnville local newspaper, News Register, featured Project 100 on Wednesday's, December 23rd. The article entitled, One Hundred Days of Painting by Hannah Hoffman, was a great surprise for Christmas with two great pictures of me - one from my office studio and another from my barn studio. Thanks to Hannah Hoffman for coming out to interview me and Marcus Larson for the pictures. The write-up was more than I expected and a great blessing.

Here's the link to the article. Read and leave me a comment.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Project 100 in Barrels

Well, not quite. Project 100 has been invited to Winter's Hill Winery in Dundee, Oregon. I will be sharing the barrel room for this weekend and next week's Thanksgiving weekend. The Gladharts have extended their gracious hospitality and allowing me to display my art from Project 100. Here's your chance to see the paintings in person and pick yours out. Come visit from 11am — 5pm on the following days:

Saturday, November 21st
Sunday, November 22nd
Friday, November 27th
Saturday, November 28th
Sunday, November 29th

Visit the beautiful Dundee Hills and come taste the fabulous wine from Winter's Hill Winery. Great people and great wine! Visit their website for more info at See the map below for directions.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Project 100 bloopers!!

Hello all — this is Sarah. I just wanted to give you all a little behind the scenes taste of project 100. Basically, Lester was very nervous about the video portion of his project 100- he was feeling a bit camera shy. So when day 1 finally came, I told him to do a round of practice runs that nobody would see- to get all the kinks out and get comfortable with the camera .... well, I found those video clips and put them together for a little Lester fun!!! I was laughing sooo hard- I hope you all get a little laugh today too! (Please note, as of today I have Lester's permission to post this- he has grown in many ways, huh!!)

Enjoy the day 1 bloopers!

Visit the Project 100 Gallery online to see all 100 paintings from 100 days.