Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 1 of Project 100

Day 1 is done! This was a challenge for me - knowing that I had to complete the painting. My nerves were attempting to get the better of me and I prevailed through the fear of not finishing. The constant thoughts of creating 100 paintings in 100 days kept me motivated and excited to finish. I've been told fear and excitement are quite similar energies &mdash I guess it all depends on what I focus on.

Here it is - Painting for Day 1!


  1. Hey Lester, I think this Project 100 challenge you're doing is great. Glad you're keeping us updated online. Good luck with it! I'm looking forward to seeing each painting unfold! :o)

  2. That's is awesome. It's one of my favorite ones. You are starting off great!

  3. Really nice work, Lester. I love this one!

  4. I WANT IT!!! (seriously) Great Job Lester! I'm impressed. Keep doing your thing... (BM'

