Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 43 Swimming To The Top

Day 43 — Back by popular request are dolphins. I have to admit, the scenes with dolphins swimming in the sea are fun. For this dolphin swim, I'm capturing them as they skim the ocean surface to come out and play. See how they are swimming to the top and racing to their adventure.

Enjoy "Swimming To The Top."

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Day 42 Feel The Vibration

Day 42 — I love drum beats. The vibe from these instruments is so amazing to my ears. This got me thinking about drums, especially about Japanese Taiko drummers. The deep rhythms and incredible beats fills my soul. I can feel the vibrations with each tap from the taiko drummer.

Here's a cool link to demonstrate what I mean: Japanese Taiko Drumming by Auckland's Haere Mai Taiko.

Enjoy "Feel the Vibration."

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day 41 Grandbabies

Day 41 — Today is a special day; Happy Anniversary to my Mom & Dad! I love you both. I can see how much joy your grandchildren give you and how much you love them. This painting is for you, Mom & Dad! I am so happy to present this painting to you.

Enjoy "Grandbabies."

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 40 Gandhi's Gone Green

Day 40 — Fabulous day today. Day 39 is going to a fabulous friend who shared an awesome story behind it. That just made my day. Then I got to reading a book which spoke of Gandhi's incredible faith and how he inspired millions of people. That was an inspirational moment for me and had me wanting to paint Gandhi. Capturing his thoughtful grace and light radiance was key for me.

Enjoy "Gandhi's Gone Green." I just love the green background that illuminates behind him.

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Day 39 Atop The Universe

Day 39 — Painting angels has been fun these past three days. So, I am happy to present today's painting. I love how the angel seems to be sitting upon a planet and with arms gesturing to orchestrate a symphony of actions. This is a great and uplifting piece for me.

Enjoy "Atop The Universe."

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 38 Open To Receive

Day 38 — Still had images of angels in my head that I wanted to paint. So I continued with the current theme. These angel paintings allowed me to use my palette knife as the tool for creating the image. It's a very fun process that enables me to create nice grungy strokes. The result is a very textural piece.

Enjoy "Open To Receive."

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Day 37 Guiding Angels

Day 37 — Today, I had angels in the brain. I had a particular image with an angel sitting in lotus position, projecting her energy, on my mind. I'm learning that when this happens to go with it and paint. The end result may not be what I first envisioned, and yet the process of painting the image is always fun. Maybe, the universe was having some fun with me also. So, here is "Guiding Angel."

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 36 New Day Rising

Day 36 — Today started with so much excitement from our escaped horse. She wanted out of the pasture and there was no stopping her. Through it all, she taught me a great lesson on patience and remaining calm. That inspired me to create a zen-like painting with all the lessons in mind. Patience and calm. Thank you for slowing me down and enjoying the process of painting.

Here is "New Day Rising."

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 35 Surfers and Sunsets

Day 35 — Beautiful sunny day here in Oregon and yet that had me thinking about San Diego and its gorgeous beaches. That inspired me to paint a sunset beach scene. I love the sun rising above the water and its hazy appearance in the atmosphere. Two surfers are out in the water enjoying the sunset and searching out some waves.

Enjoy "Surfers & Sunsets."

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 34 Sailing Forth

Day 34 — Thank you for the continued support of Project 100. I am on day 34. The inspiration keeps on coming. I had a visit today from my (now new &) good friend, who commissioned "Cry of the Phoenix". We were talking about adventures and coincidentally my painting for today involves adventures. Having adventures in the open sea and visiting distant lands with lush landscapes and friendly natives.

Here is today's painting, "Sailing Adventure." Enjoy!

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 33 Galloping is Fun

Day 33 — I had a lot of fun with day 32 that I decided to paint it again. Well...kinda. Another beach gallop from a different perspective. I really like the movement on this painting with the crashing waves behind the horse. I can feel the Irish mist covering my face as I watch the horse running through.

Enjoy "Beach Gallop II."

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Day 32 Galloping Away

Day 32 — A friend of mine returned from his trip to Ireland and this got me thinking about the trip Sarah and I took last year. Beautiful country and great people. One thing that I remember was when Sarah was galloping on the beach during her horse trek. It was an incredible gusty day and quite the scene with a dozen or so horses galloping through. I'm still on horses — haven't quite finished with them yet.

Enjoy "Beach Gallop."

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 31 Cooling Off With The Horses

Day 31 — Today it reached 99° here in McMinnville. So I was looking for a way to cool off, which inspired today's painting. Still going with the horse theme, I painted in much cooler tones of blues. Lots of imagery and texture.

Enjoy "Wave of Spirit." How many horses can you spot in the painting?

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 30 Fiery Ambition

Day 30 — I've read that 30 days is a magic number for one's brain to lock in habits. I'm happy to have established the habit of daily painting. This gets my creativity flowing and I'm enjoying all the pieces that are developing. Not only did I paint today's painting, I've started two other paintings for my gallery — using techniques that I've learned and mastered these past 30 days. This is truly a great endeavor for me.

Continuing on with the horses, I decided to paint another one entitled, "Fiery Ambition". Enjoy!

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Day 29 Fiery Young Thing

Day 29 — I'm following up yesterday's watery, cool inspiration with fiery energy. I'm working with the warm tones of orange, browns and reds. As I got started, it reminded me of the young horses with such spunk. They run and play throughout with such lively energy. So, for the horse lovers, here's my first depiction of these amazing animals.

Enjoy "Fire & Spunk".

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 28 What's going on above?

Day 28 — Beautiful, bright sunny day today. So I attempted to paint the sky and again the canvas had something else in mind. The result was another magnificent scene with dolphins. I love the depth of this piece. I get a sense of the dolphin below wondering what is going on above? The mother and baby jumping over the waves above create a good flow of movement.

Enjoy "What’s Going On Above?"

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 27 Who's in the bubble?

Day 27 — I'm finishing off the water series with today's painting. I went with a school of fish swimming through the kelp. The bubbles (making a comeback from the first set of paintings) have the attention of the fish and seem enamored by them. This was a fun set to paint. I've enjoyed the sea life. It still makes want to go swimming. Good thing, hotter weather is on its way to Oregon.

Enjoy "In The Bubble".

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 26 - Sea Turtles

Day 26 - Welcome back! Thank you for the wonderful comments about yesterday's masterpiece. I also want to thank Olivia for naming yesterday's painting - "Playfullness At Sea." That name fits perfectly!

I'm loving the underwater sea life, so I'm continuing the inspiration. This time, for all you sea turtle fans this painting is for you. I love this because it brings me back to Hawaii where I first saw a sea turtle while swimming in A-Bay at Big Island.

Enjoy "Sea Turtles!"

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 25 - Is it time to party?

Day 25 — I am one-quarter towards my goal of 100 paintings. This is a great milestone and such a fun day. This could be the reason for my resistance to painting today. I persevered and painted anyway. I'm glad I did because the process of painting these animals made my day. The seals are so playful and they seem to just enjoy themselves. That was a great reminder for me to have fun while painting.

Thank you for all the comments and inspiring words. I truly appreciate each comment. I'm happy to be painting and having you share in this journey with me.

Here is today's painting. I'm hoping you can help me out and give it a name.

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 24 - Still Lifes over Campfires

Day 24 - It's been years since I painted a still life. So I dusted off those skills and put them to use today. I actually had enjoyed creating the painting. It was fun to play with the colors and still present a painting that I love. Mixing the colors was a challenge to get the right shade of purple that worked for me. It all worked out as you can see from the painting. After painting, we got to use the still life "models" for our dinner. Would that be sustainable painting?

Here is "Eggplant & Tomato".

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cry of the Phoenix

Wow! Today was so fun, I got to present my latest work of art - a commissioned piece representing the mythical Phoenix. I think I was more excited to present the masterpiece to its owner than he was...then we started talking and I was mistaken. He was quite excited! This is a new process for me. I've incorporated a lot of the techniques I've been using for Project 100 into this painting.

The elements wanted in the piece were flying Phoenix towards the sun (from left to right) and its tears, which symbolize the giving of life & creation. I learned today of the Dragon Boat practice where the eyes of the dragons (carved into the ships) were painted last. Whoever conducted the ceremony to initiate the Dragon boat would paint the eyes to "bring life to the dragon". It so happened that the eye of the phoenix was left for that purpose (without me knowing this story). It was perfect because I then got to finish the eye with the owner to be. He actually got to put the last pigment onto the eye and "brought the Phoenix to life". That was so cool for me to experience.

I'm happy with this masterpiece and I want you to join me in my joy. Here is "Cry of the Phoenix". Click on the image to bring you to my gallery and see it even bigger (under "Commissions" tab).

Day 23 Whoo-dat Owl

Day 23 - Today's inspiration came from the canvas itself. The background has some really great texture and flowing, feathery strokes. I started seeing an owl and decided to flesh out the night creature. It's great to see into its amazingly peering eyes. Since owls are nocturnal, seeing owls and peering into their eyes is quite rare. I'm enjoying this process of revealing the painting within the canvas.

Enjoy "Great Horned Tree Owl".

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 22 Buddha Has A Gift

Day 22 - Welcome back! Today I decided to continue with painting Buddha. This time I have offering his second favorite drink. It's been fun painting Buddha the last two days. This painting actually reminds me of a favorite Thai restaurant here in town. I can just see Buddha serving me up a beverage with my meal.

Enjoy "Buddha's Offering". He's handing it out to you. Do you want it?

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 21 - Buddha's Drink of Choice

Day 21 - Today's painting was inspired by a great friend. I thought it was a fabulous idea to paint Buddha with his favorite drink of choice. Living in wine country, I get to enjoy many outstanding pinots from various local wineries. The secret to happiness has got to be enjoying each and every moment in life.

Enjoy "Buddha&rtquo;s Secret To Happiness".

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 20 - Mountains and flying geese

Day 20 - This completes the triptych of mountains and sunsets. I've been developing the flying creatures - specifically the flying geese. It was fun to put elements that I see throughout the summer staring up in the sky. This was a fun three days. Getting to focus on the three panels as a "whole painting", while creating a mini-scene for each day.

Enjoy "Mountain-sets & Sun-scapes III."

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 19 More mountains

Day 19 - Continuing with the mountain-scape, I finished the 2nd part of the triptych. It's really fun to create the scene one after the other while keeping a continuous image. I've been having fun and putting tiny images flying across the skies.

Here's "Mountain-sets & Sun-scapes II".

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Day 18 - Staring at the Mountains

Day 18 - Today's inspiration came from the beautiful setting of our home. I am surrounded by great views of trees and majestic mountains. On a clear day atop the ridge behind our home, I can see Mt Saint Helens, Mt Jefferson, Mt Hood, Mt Adams and (on a clearer day) Mt Rainier. The sunset from our is gorgeous. So, I started a triptych to depict the sunset and mountains.

Here is "Mountain-sets and Sun-scapes".

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 17 - Birds are humming

Day 17 - I was settling into our home today from a great trip to California. Took a minute to enjoy the humming birds flying through our front porch while drinking tea and I decided to paint the little birds. It's amazing how fast these little guys are and how graceful they look as they float above their drinking stations. It was a good time painting to slow things down and enjoy the moment.

Here is "Drinking Nectar".

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 16 - Mt Shasta

Day 16 - Heading back to Oregon, Mt Shasta was approaching ever closer to my canvas. This time around, I was unable to escape its grasp and I was inspired to paint the majestic mountain. We stopped in the town of Mt Shasta for a quick peak at the mountain. It's truly a great site. I love the textured cliffs and the glacial-esque features of the mountain. The eagle flies ever higher reaching for the mountain top.

Enjoy "Flying to Mt Shasta".

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 15 - In The Trees

Day 15 - Today's painting was inspired from our drive towards Sacramento and my friend's home. There were these great oak trees throughout the hills. My friend's home was surrounded by great views of the mountains and lots of tall trees. I enjoyed painting the scene and presenting it onto the canvas. There was a great sense of serenity as I sat next to her pond with the trickling waterfall. The canvas already had a creek scene and I enhanced the scene with the great trees surrounding me.

Enjoy "Creeks and Trees".

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 14 - Grooving at Stern Grove Park

Day 14 - Today was spent at Stern Grove park in San Francisco. They hold free concerts there every Sunday during the summer. It was a fun event featuring Kailash Kher's Kailasa and Delhi 2 Dublin. Great music, great venue and great company. It's funny that Stern Grove Park is 4 or 5 blocks away from the high school I attended, yet today was the first time I've been here. I loved the music and the trees surrounding us. The trees seemed to be grooving to the music. That was the inspiration for today's painting, "Delhi Forest".

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

On a side note, here is a video of my niece painting alongside me. One can see how she goes about choosing her next color for brushing. I love how she's free-flowing and creating what ever she wants.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 13 - Back To My Roots

Day 13 - I spent this morning at my parent's home, sitting amongst their orchid garden. It was great to be in that space and reminisce about my youth. It was comforting to be able to paint one of the one hundred here. Today's painting continues with the current series of enlightenment and self-discovery. I enjoyed discovering the figure and highlighting the energy fields surrounding it.

Enjoy "Release".

View all the paintings of Project 100 at my online gallery. If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.