Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 24 - Still Lifes over Campfires

Day 24 - It's been years since I painted a still life. So I dusted off those skills and put them to use today. I actually had enjoyed creating the painting. It was fun to play with the colors and still present a painting that I love. Mixing the colors was a challenge to get the right shade of purple that worked for me. It all worked out as you can see from the painting. After painting, we got to use the still life "models" for our dinner. Would that be sustainable painting?

Here is "Eggplant & Tomato".

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.


  1. Hi Lester,
    Heard about your project from Gena and Manang Arlene very cool! Dominic and I just checked out some of your work. So proud of you for pursuing your passion... we're right behind you. We'll keep coming back to check out your work.
    -Jhas (fka Buack) & Dom

  2. Thanks Jhas! It's great to have you following along. Painting makes me happy and I'm happy to be sharing with everyone. Next time Sarah and I visit SF, maybe we can get together?
