Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 56 Blossoming Desires

Day 56 — I was talking to a friend and it was mentioned that I should paint Green Tara. She's a Buddhist diety that is known as the buddha of enlightened activity or buddha of action. I found it fascinating to read about her. I also read that she decided to return in each of her subsequent lives as a woman until she reaches enlightenment. This is significant because most Buddhas have been primarily males. Truly a figure that inspires. I love the vibrant greens in this painting.

Enjoy "Green Tara, Blossoming Desires."

Reminder that I am having a drawing for a Project 100 painting of your choice. To be entered in this drawing, forward the blog to 5 friends that may be interested in following along. If you've passed the blog to your friends in the past, email me and I will put your name in the drawing. I don't need to know the names of your friends, all I need is an email from you stating that you've done that. The winner will be announced on Day 60's blog and will have their choice of any Project 100 painting that has yet to be claimed. Thank you for sharing the Project 100 adventure.

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

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