Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Painting for the Saturday Market

McMinnville has a new market in town — The Saturday Market. Shannon Thorson has coordinated the ongoing event for the last 3 months. It features organic produce, entertainment, visual & literary art, wine, boutique goods & fine food and provisions. There are many vendors coming from various parts of the Willamette Valley, Salem and other surrounding counties. It's a fantastic mix of personalities and budding entrepreneurs selling their goods.

I have been participating since December and enjoy meeting, talking and hobnobbing with local citizens of McMinnville. I have been showcasing art from my Project 100, my I'Ching series and new pieces that I create weekly. It's been a great opportunity to have a weekly venue to showcase new work during the winter.

Here's my current new piece entitled, "Star-Gazer."

And more pictures from the Market.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Emerge Oregon

So last Friday, I participated with Emerge Oregon Art Series — Originally this was a First Friday show at the Coffee House Cafe in Salem, Oregon. Now they are expanding to 1st and 3rd Friday of each month. They showcase emerging artists and for $5 each participating artist can display up to 3 art pieces with no commission taken from sales. Jonathan Boys and Tim Wiener founded this great event and do so to provide a consistent place for emerging artists to showcase their artwork. The shows have averaged over 300 for their once-monthly-single-night event.

For this show, I showcased 3 new pieces inspired by Project 100's day 39 "Atop The Universe." Here is Namaste, Warrior and Way Show-er.