Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 75 Portland Cityscape

Day 75 — First, congratulations Eartha from Portland! You've won the drawing for a free Project 100 painting. Thank you for forwarding my blog and sharing my paintings with your friends. I truly appreciate your support.

It's funny that the winner is from Portland because that is today's painting and completing my cityscapes. Although I do not live in Portland, it is the major city close to my home and I often visit new friends that I've made these past three years. Portland reminds me of San Francisco with its little big city feel. Lots of diversity and culture. Sarah takes me to Portland to get my city fix. What's fun about Portland is the pockets of culture scattered in all the quadrants from South West, South East, North West and North East. The diversity in each one is fabulous. Today's painting depicts the downtown buildings overlooking the river and the Hawthorne Bridge.

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

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