Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 98 Radiating Serenity

Day 98 — Including today, I am three days to 100. This has been an incredible journey. I've been asked these several days, "how does it feel to be close to the end?" Well, I have mixed emotions about the end of this journey. I am happy the finish line to this adventure is coming and I am also experiencing a sense of calm. So today's painting reflects the solace of completion. Under the glowing fall harvest colors of the Japanese maple sits the Japanese lantern. The winding tree limbs provide cover, while two humming birds find a home in the lantern to nurture themselves. They can rest under the protective maple and lantern, enjoying the serenity of their environment. I love the energy of the painted leaves swirling about, while the tree and lantern are fixed energies of unwavering strength.

Enjoy today's painting "Radiating Serenity."

If you want to purchase any of the paintings, email me or visit the Project 100 Gallery to purchase online.

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